
If I die young



I am lost in my own world,
where everything is mirrored,
where everywhere is cursed,
where everyone is distanced to each other.

I seek the truth,
which I think maybe hurtful,
but I never realized how powerful it is.
I can't handle this Deja Vu.

I fell from the cliff,
to the deadly end.
It is so deep that means,
there is no turning back.

so I closed my eyes.
I tried to feel,
I tried to survive.

I hope there is a light,
shining bright,
waiting for me,
reach to my side.

I plead and plead
so I can survived this deadly fall.
To wake up once again,
to be my own self again.

There shouldn't be true,
momentum should not exist,
the law of physics can't work in my fantasy.

I trapped in the mirror world,
created by myself,
who is real thus who is the fake?

Save me,
I shouted.

No one hears me for my voice had been stolen.

That isn't me darling,
that girl is you,
the reflection,
the personality you won't be able to face.

She broke the mirror,
stabbed your heart,
once again you are locked in the mirror.

Who is real?
Who is fake?

I am looking at the reflection of mine,
who is in the mirror?
